Urmet’s video surveillance product range is one step ahead of technological innovation. It offers systems for each and every application scenario, from home and small business to applications with highly specific security requirements, such as are found in museums, airports and urban public areas.

Urmet video surveillance systems are designed and built to provide dependable solutions using highly reliable and high performance products, to protect, monitor and control.

All products are designed to offer an effective response to the increasing need for security, with all the advantages of a state-of-the-art video surveillance installation:
• Deterrence
• Video record of events
• Control over territory and enhanced perception of security by subjects in the controlled area
• Ability to reconstruct especially significant vents

Thanks to Urmet DVR all the cameras can be displayed on your monitor and according to the size of the hard disk you can register from few hours to many days of video. Furthermore with the auto replace function you do not have to worry anymore about the latest moments if they are register or not, because they are.