1946: Presentation of the first BLC telephone
1958: Start of the mass production of door phones
1964: Public telephone for local and long-distance calls
1967: First video-door phone system in Italy
1973: Microprocessor counters for phones
1978: First on-line public telephony management system in the world
1981: First fully automated credit card payphone management system in the world
1982: Patent of the prepaid card system for public telephony
1986: Low cost prepaid card telephone system for public payphones
1988: First CEPT900MHz-compliant cordless telephone
1990: 15.000.000th door phone installed and 100.000.000th prepaid phone card
1992: 200 ports digital switchboard
1993: SCAI structure (Intelligent network for building automation)
1994: Wireless telephones and switchboards compliant with the DECT European standard
1996: Foundation of Urmet Domus, company that specializes on integrate solutions
for communication, security and building automation
1997: Cordless Mobility Telephones (CMT) based on DECT technology for micro-cellular
1998: TAUCARD chip phone card with security module
1999: Advanced services on an intelligent network;
K-Steel anti-vandal modular video-door phone system
2003: Introduction of Semplice, first home automation system
2005: New integrated video-surveillance and intrusion/fire alarm systems for professional use
2007: Antonio Citterio designs the first Simon Urmet’s wiring system
2009: Introduction of the Signo, Imago and Arco video-door phone monitors
2010: New digital video-door phone systems 2Voice and IperVoice
2012: Urmet’s 75th anniversary
2013: Introduction of IperHome, the all new home automation system